Kid-Friendly Facts

  • Facts About the Panama Canal

    The Panama Canal is nearly 50 miles long and can save vessels weeks of travel time.
  • Thanksgiving Trivia Questions

    Thanksgiving Trivia Questions

    Here are some fun kid-friendly Thanksgiving trivia questions to share with children. What bird is most commonly associated with Thanksgiving? Answer: Turkey How long did the first Thanksgiving feast last? Answer: Three days Which U.S. President made Thanksgiving a national...

  • How Fast is a Sneeze?

    How Fast is a Sneeze?

    Did you know a sneeze can travel as fast as a car zooming down the highway? When we sneeze, the air rushes out of our noses and mouths at speeds of up to 100 miles per hour! Imagine a tiny...

  • Frogs That Freeze! How Wood Frogs Survive Winter's Chill.

    Frogs That Freeze! How Wood Frogs Survive Winter's Chill.

    Did you know there’s a type of frog that can survive being frozen solid? Yes, you read that right! Some frogs, like the amazing wood frog, have a unique “superpower” that lets them survive through winter in the strangest way:...

  • Two Facts About Election Day

    Two Facts About Election Day

    In the United States, we vote in November. But have you ever wondered why that is?  November was chosen because, back in the 1800s, most people were farmers. By November, the harvest was done, and it wasn’t too snowy yet,...

  • Why is Pluto no longer a planet?

    Why is Pluto no longer a planet?

    Pluto was reclassified from a planet to a dwarf planet in 2006. A dwarf planet is a celestial body that -orbits the sun, has enough mass to assume a nearly round shape, has not cleared the neighborhood around its orbit...